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Let's Talk About Sober Dating

Once I realized and came to actually see that my sobriety was the absolute best part about me, everything changed. I didn't make a point to scream at potential dates that I was sober, but I didn't hide it in any way, either. I checked the sober box on dating apps, but I also offered the info freely in conversation elsewhere, when it made sense, and it almost always came up pretty quickly.

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SXSW with Laura McKowen, Jason Isbell, Wes Hurt and Jan Rader

In March, 2022, Laura led a conversation on addiction at South by Southwest in Austin with Jason Isbell, Wes Hurt, and Jan Rader. Watch the full session!

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Push Off from Here: Quitting Social Media (Again)

I've had an epic battle with social media for years. Recently, I left it for good, but then found myself back on. Here's what I learned.

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Fawning: The Fourth Trauma Response

We’ve all heard about fight, flight, freeze as fear/trauma responses. But fawn is said to be the fourth and lesser-known “F”, coined by therapist Pete Walker.

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How to Deal with Doubters and Naysayers (Video)

Whenever we make a big leap, we're going to have people who cast doubt and concern about our decision. Here's my response for how to deal with that and stay focused on the important thing you're doing.

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Don't Wait for Comfort: How to Summon The Courage to Make a Big Leap

How did you find the strength to leave behind a steady, high salary to venture into what might be even failure? How much of a nest egg did you have that gave you enough comfort to make the leap? Did you downsize your life, or was trust in the universe what made this work for you?

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The First Step to Making a Big Career Leap

If you're thinking about making a big leap, these are the three most important things you can do to get going.

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Quitting The Bouncy House of Social Media

It’s been years and years of receiving the same message now, and I know enough to know I have to listen.

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“A masterpiece. The truest, most generous, honest, and helpful sobriety memoir I’ve read. It’s going to save lives.”

Glennon Doyle

#1 New York Times bestselling author of 
Untamed and Love Warrior.

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